Muhammad was a sex maniac and hungry for power. He allows polygami. In fact he married with 9 women. Prophet Muhammad always fighting against the non-Muslim peoples.
Perhaps that is what the non-Muslims think about Prophet Muhammad. Maybe that's what kept fed by their leaders. That makes their hearts covered from the light of Islam.
You have to know, the Prophet Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, fight to spread Islam in the name of Allah. He did it to uphold the word of Allah, laa ilaaha illallooh. He did it to uphold the truth and destroy the evil.
He was approached by the leaders of the idolaters. They offered him to marry any woman that he wanted, and offered to be the Arab leader, as long as he stops to spread the religion of unity. However, he rejected it all. Because that's not his goal.
Now we examine the people who have been so vicious to accused the Prophet Muhammad. Is it true that they were the people who deserve to call the Prophet as a sex maniac and hungry of power?
Let's look to the history of Europe a few centuries ago. Do you remember how that colonizers went to various countries for the three goals? Gold, gospel and glory. They colonize to get the wealth, spread their religion (?), and to get the power. Their atrocities has been recorded by history. They do that for wealth, throne, and women. Religion is just a sweetener, a mask to legalize their actions.
They brought religion which isn't forbid the adultery strictly. Their religion is a religion that allowed colonialism. Give to the sovereign what belongs to the sovereign and give to God what belongs to God. A secular religion.
It was different from the Prophet Muhammad do. He fought against the soldiers idolaters. But he did not kill children, women and the elderly. That's all for the sake of upholding the word of God, uphold the truth, destroy the evil and tyrannical. Islam teaches that the relationship between human and God and relationship between human and the others are ruled by God. Matters of religion and worldly affairs ruled by God, and not ruled by man who does not understand anything about the real justice.
Many non-Muslims do not know exactly how the real history of Islam because their leaders gave wrong view about Islam. But they rarely discuss the dark history of Europe. They can not see the beam in front of his eyes, but can clearly see the toothpick that across the ocean.