mud has a good environment for roleplaying, especially with the vampire clans, and many of our players get into the spirit of things. One thing to note about the mud, is that it is also a PK (Player Killing) mud, which means that players characters can be killed by other players, however, starting (newbie) characters need not worry, as a player must 'go avater' (choose to raise their level) before they can kill, or be killed by other players. Naturally, this means that before a player 'goes avater' the options and abilities available to their character are somewhat limited, but if a player really wishes to stay 'mortal' then that is fine, they will be missing out on all the fun though :> Also, a character need not become a vampire (though they must be an avatar if they wish to do so), but they will find themselves at a disadvantage if they choose to stay human, as vampires tend to be far superior to mere humans.
Is it very complex ?
Yes, a new player may well be overwhelmed at first with all the different possibilities. There are numerous spells you can learn, combat stances to master and the all important decision of which clan to join, but this is the case with most muds these days and most players seem to pick things up pretty fast.