Tuesday, September 14, 2010

how to make simple

hmmm.. i think not this time.
tomorrow will better

Monday, August 9, 2010

Do You Talk Too Much?

Do you know anyone who never stops talking? People who won't shut up? Are you a Chatty Cathy or Babbling Bob?

The problem with excessive talking is that people will tend to avoid you for fear of becoming trapped in another long-winded, one-sided conversation. The more a talkative individual is avoided, the more they feel isolated and thus motivated to capture their next listener, and try to hold their attention. It's a vicious circle, but there is a way out.

I will admit to analyzing communication style. It is engrained in me, an essential part of the work I do with relationship strategies to improve workplace and customer relations. My analysis: most people talk more than they listen. I included myself among them, until I made a conscious effort to listen to others. I remember sitting in my car that day prior to attending a Chamber of Commerce networking event, and promising myself I would seek only to listen to as many people as possible.

The results: better networking than ever before, and better conversion from prospect to sale. Why? Because people felt great meeting me. They got to talk about their favourite subject (themselves) and felt understood when I reiterated what they had just finished telling me.

You can make more friends in two days by listening to people than you can make in two months by talking to people. It's a strategy that improves the quality of communication, sales and team morale.

We were given two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we talk. Try it, and notice the positive shift in your relationships. If too much listening and too little talking ever becomes a problem, let me know, and I will retire.

Best wishes for deep listening,

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Learning From People Who Never Get the Blues

If you need to pursue ambitious goals and protect yourself from discouragement, your best ally will be resilience, not luck. Numerous men and women start their careers full of enthusiasm, only to succumb to the first difficulties. The path leading to achievement seldom runs straight. When obstacles stand on the way, detours are inevitable.

A healthy psychology depends more on steadiness of character than on a sunny disposition. Wise men do not allow adverse circumstances to deter them. When they encounter obstacles, they use their creativity to find passage. They face difficulties with courage, avoiding wishful thinking and exaggerated optimism.

Their resilience is based on a realistic assessment of their possibilities and their constancy on the knowledge that perseverance can overcome disaster. Their prudence rests on their past experience of success and their alertness on the wish to seize opportunities.

Some individuals never get the blues and, if you adopt an entrepreneurial mentality in all areas of your life, you can become one of them. Initiative and creativity will help you in private and business matters, in your dealings with friends as much as in those with customers.

Can you increase your resilience as a way to prevent problems for the future? Is it possible to render yourself immune to low spirits? What steps can to take to get rid of fears and doubts? A steady temper is the consequence of a person's history and convictions. The former is influenced by chance, the latter determined by one's will.

Use rationality to develop resilience. Those who think logically rarely fall prey to anxiety. If you view life in perspective, you will never be immobilized by depression. Keep your beliefs anchored in reality and your actions aligned with essential truths.

Individuals who possess a steady character tend to be persistent and entrepreneurial. If they ever worry, it will be only for the short time they need to change their course of action. They make the best of past mistakes and draw lessons for the future. Each of us can acquire the five elements that form their character, namely:

[1] A fair assessment of the impact of time on human affairs: In an era when most people expect to live at least 70 years, we should never allow adversity to sink our spirits. A man who has acquired a proper perspective of life does not get angry at inconveniences.

Provided that you have sensible goals, you have plenty of time to pursue them. Even though success is not guaranteed, your heart should remain confident and serene. Banish discouragement from your thoughts and commit yourself to developing a calm perspective.

[2] Understanding the long-term benefits of consistent behaviour: Animals such as cats and dogs show occasional persistence, but cannot make plans and implement them consistently. Steadiness of purpose, a uniquely human characteristic, constitutes the foundation of serenity.

The pursuit of long-term goals multiplies the effectiveness of human action. Resolve turns prototypes into marketable products and transforms ideas into profitable businesses. Experienced managers know the advantages of keeping an unvarying course. If you place your goals above short-term adversity, you will be able to preserve your peace of mind.

[3] A desire to avoid waste and economize resources: Complaining to those who cannot solve our difficulties is a waste of energy and time. In contrast, people who draw lessons from past mistakes know how to concentrate their efforts on finding solutions.

The longer you conserve your resources, the faster you will overcome adversity. Individuals who protect their assets look confidently at the future. On the contrary, those who dilapidate their possessions fear the day when their luck will change.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Fog of War

Fog of war is the new online game that has got all the critics talking. It is a new war game that has been introduced to the internet and is widely thought of as the new war game that could in time possibly overtake the largest internet game in the world - Evony. Evony has over 8 million members and gives the user the chance to make money as they play. Fog of war also has similar options. It is one of those games that once you start playing you find yourself

However there is always one thing to be aware of, and that is internet gaming addiction! Its very easy to get addicted to gaming on the internet and this game will be now difference.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Cost to Buy and Upgrade Offensive Abilities

The ability will not improve to the next level until it reaches 100%. Abilities may only be improved once every 24 hours, unless purchased with Favor Points.

Fangs: Buy 100 - Improve 20% for 1,000
Better Fangs: Buy 500 - Improve 20% for 2,000
Greater Fangs: Buy 1,000 - Improve 20% for 4,000
Superior Fangs: Buy 2,000 - (can't improve)
Vampire Claws: Buy 700 - Improve 20% for 7,000
Better Vampire Claws: Buy 3,500 - Improve 20% for 14,000
Greater Vampire Claws: Buy 7,000 - Improve 20% for 28,000
Superior Vampire Claws: Buy 14,000 - (can't improve)

Read more at Suite101: Vampire Wars Improving Offensive Abilties Guide: Improve Vampire Wars Offensive Abilities for higher Attack / Defense

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Xanthosoma is a genus of about 50 species of tropical and sub-tropical arums in the flowering plant family, Araceae, all native to tropical America. Several species are grown for their starchy corms, an important food staple of tropical regions, known variously as malanga, new cocoyam, tannia, tannier, yautía, macabo, taioba, dasheen, quequisque and ‘ape. Many other species (including especially X. roseum) are utilized as ornamental plants, and in popular horticultural literature are known as ‘ape or elephant ear (from the purported resemblance of the leaf to an elephant's ear), although the latter name is sometimes also applied to members with similar appearance and uses in the closely related genera of Caladium, Colocasia (i.e., taro), and Alocasia.
The leaves of most Xanthosoma species are 40-200 cm long, sagittate (arrowhead-shaped) or subdivided into 3 or as many as 18 segments. Unlike the leaves of Colocasia, those of Xanthosoma are usually not peltate—the upper v-notch extends in to the point of attachment of the leaf petiole to the blade.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

What kind of atmosphere does it

mud has a good environment for roleplaying, especially with the vampire clans, and many of our players get into the spirit of things. One thing to note about the mud, is that it is also a PK (Player Killing) mud, which means that players characters can be killed by other players, however, starting (newbie) characters need not worry, as a player must 'go avater' (choose to raise their level) before they can kill, or be killed by other players. Naturally, this means that before a player 'goes avater' the options and abilities available to their character are somewhat limited, but if a player really wishes to stay 'mortal' then that is fine, they will be missing out on all the fun though :> Also, a character need not become a vampire (though they must be an avatar if they wish to do so), but they will find themselves at a disadvantage if they choose to stay human, as vampires tend to be far superior to mere humans.
Is it very complex ?

Yes, a new player may well be overwhelmed at first with all the different possibilities. There are numerous spells you can learn, combat stances to master and the all important decision of which clan to join, but this is the case with most muds these days and most players seem to pick things up pretty fast.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Edible Frog

The Edible Frog (Pelophylax kl. esculentus)[1][2] is a name for a common European frog, also known as the common water frog or green frog (however, this latter term is also used for the North American species Lithobates clamitans). It is used for food, particularly in France for the delicacy frogs' legs. Females are between 5 to 9 cm long, males between 6 to 11 cm.
Pelophylax esculentus is the fertile hybrid of the Pool Frog (Pelophylax lessonae) and the Marsh Frog (Pelophylax ridibundus), hence the addition of the "kl." (for klepton or synklepton) in the species name. During the ice ages[clarification needed] the population of the common ancestor of both species was split into two. These populations diverged, but remained genetically close enough to be able to create fertile hybrids. However, when edible frogs mate with each other, their offspring are often misformed, so there are no pure populations of edible frogs. The hybrid populations are propagated by female edible frogs mating with males of one of the parental species.[3]

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

how to Growing Your Clan

each mission you perform will expend a certain number of "Energy" points. As you deplete your "Energy" points, you will see them slowly re-generating (typically 1 point as renewed every 5 minutes). While waiting for your "Energy" points to renew, click on "Fight" and look for people who you think may be serious players - because at this level they're priority should be growing their clan. Click on those people, then when their profile appears, click on their avatar name to open their REAL profile. Then send them a "Friend" request with a message like: "Vampire Wars - Did you know that you can belong to multiple clans? If you like, I'll join your clan. That should make the game more fun. If interested, send me an invite."

Always begin your "Friend" request message with "Vampire Wars -" so they know why you're asking them to add you as a friend. This is a great way to meet and interact with people from all over the world.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Skill Points vampire wars

Skill" points that you can use to increase:
- Attack Strength
- Defense Strength
- Maximum Energy
- Maximum Health
- Maximum Rage

While you will receive an on-screen notification of advancing from one level to the next along with a reminder to allocate your "Skill" points, if you forget, you can always allocate "Skill" points by clicking the "my stats" link from the VW menu (upper right, beside "help").

Players may choose to allocate their skill points differently, but strategically speaking, initially focus on raising your "Health" value to 125 (trust me on this). Next, alternate between adding 1 "Rage" every upgrade while applying the remaining skill points to raising your Energy. Once your "Rage" is at 10, that should be sufficient for the next several levels. Similarly, once you get to 50 "Energy" points (some later missions require a minimum of 25 Energy points, so having 50 would allow you to perform 2 missions when completely recharged). Some players argue that a better strategy is to only build your Energy up to 25. In either case, you should next turn your attention to increasing your "Attack Strength" and “Defense Strength”. As you gain experience in the game, you will learn where best to allocate additional "Skill" points according to your playing style / strategy.

Baba Yaga
On the "Missions" page, you'll notice a "practice" vampire named Baba Yaga for you to attack. Before attacking Baba Yaga, be advised that she already has a "Health" value of 110 (and you start with a Health value of 100). This means that you shouldn't attack her right away. As you receive "Skill" points, increase your "Health" to at least 115 (125 is recommended) BEFORE attacking her. This normally improves the odds for your success.

You will also notice that defeating Baba Yaga MAY result in you receiving a "Rare Ability" (given at random). These may include:

Eagle Eye (6 attack / 9 defense)
Cat's Grace (12 attack / 10 defense)
Control Bear Clans (14 attack / 8 defense)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Frogs are amphibians in the order Anura (meaning "tail-less", from Greek an-, without + oura, tail), formerly referred to as Salientia (Latin salere (salio), "to jump"). Most frogs are characterized by long hind legs, a short body, webbed digits (fingers or toes), protruding eyes and the absence of a tail. Frogs are widely known as exceptional jumpers, and many of the anatomical characteristics of frogs, particularly their long, powerful legs, are adaptations to improve jumping performance. Due to their permeable skin, frogs are often semi-aquatic or inhabit humid areas, but move easily on land. They typically lay their eggs in puddles, ponds or lakes, and their larvae, called tadpoles, have gills and develop in water. Adult frogs follow a carnivorous diet, mostly of arthropods, annelids and gastropods. Frogs are most noticeable by their call, which can be widely heard during the night or day, mainly in their mating season.
The distribution of frogs ranges from tropic to subarctic regions, but most species are found in tropical rainforests. Consisting of more than 5,000 species described, they are among the most diverse groups of vertebrates. However, populations of certain frog species are declining significantly.
A distinction is often made between frogs and toads on the basis of their appearance, caused by the convergent adaptation among so-called toads to dry environments; however, this distinction has no taxonomic basis. The only family exclusively given the common name "toad" is Bufonidae, but many species from other families are also called "toads," and the species within the toad genus Atelopus are referred to as "harlequin frogs".
The name frog derives from Old English frogga, (compare Old Norse frauki, German Frosch, older Dutch spelling kikvorsch), cognate with Sanskrit plava (frog), probably deriving from Proto-Indo-European praw = "to jump".[1]

Friday, April 9, 2010

Buy Ugg Boots Online

save huge amounts of money by buying your Ugg boots online. It is always cheaper to buy from the internet, rather than to buy from well known shopping centers. The reason for is that the well known shopping centers have to pay extra bills that an online company would not have to pay. For example, wages, electricity, heating, rent bills etc. Some might think that perhaps the shopping centers would surely buy in bigger bulk so can therefore sell the products at a cheaper price - however this is not always the case. More and more people are using the internet on a daily basis to do their shopping, and therefore the orders going through the internet for items such as clothing and fashion are shooting up every day. The shops that have been dominant for so many years are now starting to realise that in order to keep up with the online companies, they themselves will have to start trying out a few new tricks of their own, and many are in fact now selling their stocks from the internet, and many will deliver straight to your door.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Blood Upkeep Cost in Bulk

he best ability in each category equal to the total clan size is the best way of maximizing attack and defense potential. Below is a long-term list of how much the best offensive ability, Superior Horrific Transformation, will cost in blood upkeep.

1 Superior Horrific Transformation: 300,000
25 Superior Horrific Transformation: 7,500,000
50 Superior Horrific Transformation: 15,000,000
100 Superior Horrific Transformation: 30,000,000
250 Superior Horrific Transformation: 75,000,000
500 Superior Horrific Transformation: 150,000,000
It's best to wait and purchase plenty of minions until the blood upkeep is satisfied before upgrading or purchasing improved abilities.

Read more at Suite101: Vampire Wars Improving Offensive Abilties Guide: Improve Vampire Wars Offensive Abilities for higher Attack / Defense

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Getting blood on your hands.

Speaking of combat, there are a few things that need to be known before you end up hitlisted or dead. The best way to go with combat and increasing your skill rank and experience is to go after vamps that have a higher skill rank than you. Let's say your skill rank is 1,500 you would want to get a vamp with a skill ranking between 1,515 and 1,555 with lower clan numbers than you. Any higher and you are more likely to lose the battle and your money.

Now there are a few "unwritten rules" in regards to combat. Rule #1 never ever hit a vamp more than three times. You will get hitlisted which means a much bigger vamp than you is paid to kill you! Rule #2 If you get hitlisted go after the person who set the bounty not the bounty hunter!!! Rule #3 If you broke rule #1 and got hitlisted leave the bounty setter alone. The bounty setter is more likely to tell their clan you are hassling them and post your link on their clan wall which means you will be getting killed constantl

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

future and pass

Muhammad was a sex maniac and hungry for power. He allows polygami. In fact he married with 9 women. Prophet Muhammad always fighting against the non-Muslim peoples.

Perhaps that is what the non-Muslims think about Prophet Muhammad. Maybe that's what kept fed by their leaders. That makes their hearts covered from the light of Islam.

You have to know, the Prophet Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, fight to spread Islam in the name of Allah. He did it to uphold the word of Allah, laa ilaaha illallooh. He did it to uphold the truth and destroy the evil.

He was approached by the leaders of the idolaters. They offered him to marry any woman that he wanted, and offered to be the Arab leader, as long as he stops to spread the religion of unity. However, he rejected it all. Because that's not his goal.

Now we examine the people who have been so vicious to accused the Prophet Muhammad. Is it true that they were the people who deserve to call the Prophet as a sex maniac and hungry of power?

Let's look to the history of Europe a few centuries ago. Do you remember how that colonizers went to various countries for the three goals? Gold, gospel and glory. They colonize to get the wealth, spread their religion (?), and to get the power. Their atrocities has been recorded by history. They do that for wealth, throne, and women. Religion is just a sweetener, a mask to legalize their actions.

They brought religion which isn't forbid the adultery strictly. Their religion is a religion that allowed colonialism. Give to the sovereign what belongs to the sovereign and give to God what belongs to God. A secular religion.

It was different from the Prophet Muhammad do. He fought against the soldiers idolaters. But he did not kill children, women and the elderly. That's all for the sake of upholding the word of God, uphold the truth, destroy the evil and tyrannical. Islam teaches that the relationship between human and God and relationship between human and the others are ruled by God. Matters of religion and worldly affairs ruled by God, and not ruled by man who does not understand anything about the real justice.

Many non-Muslims do not know exactly how the real history of Islam because their leaders gave wrong view about Islam. But they rarely discuss the dark history of Europe. They can not see the beam in front of his eyes, but can clearly see the toothpick that across the ocean.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

high technology make

Having to "friend" every business you associate with
"It's gotten ridiculous," says attorney Shane Fischer.

Forgetting how to talk
Publicist Tajiana Ancora-Brown has seen a worsening of in-person and on-the-phone communication. "It's unbelievable when someone who sits two desks away from you sends you numerous emails about things that could be worked out in a two-minute conversation instead of an email exchange lasting the entire afternoon."

Sending an IM to say you're sending an email
"When did we decide that we needed one technology to announce another technology?" asks Kristin Pitarys, of the Arizona Cheesecake Company.

Not checking voicemail
Wonder why you haven't heard a peep after leaving that really detailed voicemail message? It may be because the recipient rarely picks up voicemail. "It's one of those 'out of sight, out of mind' things. Email and texts are a lot more in your face," says Internet consultant Mark Warren, who admits he is "totally one of those people."

Checking voice mail for all to hear
Many people who do still check voice messages are more prone to letting the world hear them, too. "I can't tell you how many times I've had to listen to people listening to their voicemail messages on speaker phone," says Eula Young, of Griot's Roll Film Production.

CC-ing the world on email messages
"Why am I being copied on this? Am I supposed to take action on this? Just be aware of it? Huh?" asks Ellen Daehnick, of b-spoke group, a management consulting business.

Tweeting the day away
Barry Maher, the author of "Filling the Glass," points to the trend of "people who constantly interrupt their work to tweet and be tweeted." He adds, "One client claimed it had cost his company thousands of dollars in lost productivity."

Texting during meetings
It's been going on for a while and doesn't show any sign of letting up. "And these are grownups, not just 20-somethings. And they get mad if you call them on their insanely rude behavior," says technology consultant Gabriel Goldberg.

Never really getting a vacation
Many supervisors and clients expect workers with time off to stay in touch via email, texting, and even social networking. "That pretty much defeats the entire purpose of leaving work behind while vacationing," says Steven Spenser, of Praxis Communication